Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference on Food Microbiology, will be organized around the theme “Accelerating Research and Innovation in Food Microbiology”
Food Microbiology 2017 is comprised of 10 tracks and 95 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Food Microbiology 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1International trade
- Track 1-2Development of new technology
- Track 1-3Food supply against food terrorism event
- Track 1-4Green movement
- Track 1-5Development of new ingredients
- Track 1-6Food microbiology education
- Track 2-1Microbiology of vegetable fermentations
- Track 2-2Microbiology of bread making
- Track 2-3Microbiology of alcoholic beverages
- Track 2-4Microbiology of starter Lactic Acid Bacteria
- Track 2-5Microbial defects and quality problems
- Track 2-6Thickeners of microbial origin
- Track 2-7Production of industrial enzymes and some applications in fermented foods
- Track 2-8Potential infective and toxic microbiological hazards associated with the consumption of fermented foods
- Track 2-9Impact of genetically engineered microorganism on food and beverage
The epidemiology of foodborne infection is changing. New pathogens have emerged, and some have spread worldwide. Many bacteria including Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, and Yersinia enterocolitica, have reservoirs in healthy food animals, from which they are spreadind to an increased variety of foods. These pathogens cause millions of cases of sporadic illness and chronic complication, as well as large and challenging outbreaks over many states and nations. Improved surveillance that combines rapid subtyping method, cluster identification, and collaborative epidemiologic investigation can identify large, dispersed outbreaks. Outbreak investigations and case-control studies of sporadic cases can identify infection sources and guide the development of specific prevention strategies. Better understanding of how pathogens are persisting in animal reservoirs is also critical to successful long-term prevention. Prevention of foodborne disease will increasingly depend on contamination control of feed and water consumed by the animals themselves.
- Track 3-1Agroterrorism
- Track 3-2Emerging foodborne pathogens
- Track 3-3Emergence of drug and antimicrobial resistance
- Track 3-4New food vehicles of transmission
- Track 3-5Methods and technology for rapid and accurate detection
- Track 3-6New approaches to the prevention of foodborne disease
- Track 3-7Safety of organically grown and genetically modified foods
- Track 3-8Novel strategies for the prevention and control of plant and animal diseases that impact food safety
- Track 3-9Biosecurity issues and the implications of new regulatory guidelines
- Track 3-10Impact of changing lifestyles and consumer demands on food safety
- Track 3-11Implications of the new outbreak scenario for public health activities
The microbial safety of food has been advanced substantially by the introduction and implementation of the hazard analysis of critical control point (HACCP) concept. It provides a systematic conceptual framework for identifying hazards and focusing on the proper functioning of key food production, processing and marketing steps.The complexity of the pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest environments make it impossible to control all potential source of microbial contamination. Efforts at control and prevention are implemented throughout the food production and processing system. Researchers are searching for a better understanding of the pathogen and their interaction with the environment, leading to improved control methods. But at the same time, the pathogens continue to evolve, and human actions drive that evolution. Even small environmental change can have unforeseen or even unforeseeable impact on microbiological populations. Improved understanding of these complex factor provides insight into pathogen evolution and opens the door to improved prevention and control methods.
- Track 4-1Establishing a risk assessment policy
- Track 4-2Types of risk assessment and risk assessment tools
- Track 4-3Risk management using food safety objectives
- Track 4-4Hazard control and monitoring
- Track 4-5HACCP
- Track 4-6Microbiological criteria and testing
- Track 4-7Surveillance for foodborne hazards and illness
- Track 4-8Outbreak investigations and new foodborne pathogens
- Track 4-9Current surveillance programs
- Track 4-10Alternative processing technologies and novel foods
- Track 4-11Approaches to deal with risks and challenges
- Track 5-1Use of microorganisms for the production of natural molecules for use in food
- Track 5-2Microbial production of food flavours
- Track 5-3Microbial production of flavonoids, carotenoids and terpenoids
- Track 5-4Microbial production of enzymes used in food applications
- Track 5-5Microbial production of organic acids and amino acids for use in food
- Track 5-6Production of viable probiotic cells
- Track 5-7Microbial production of bacteriocins for use in food
- Track 5-8Production of microbial polysaccharides for use in food
- Track 5-9Microalgae as sources of food ingredients
- Track 6-1Bacteria
- Track 6-2Yeast
- Track 6-3Molds
- Track 6-4Fungi
- Track 6-5Citric acid production by fungi
- Track 6-6Production of enzymes
- Track 6-7Production of vinegar
- Track 6-8Lactic Acid Bacteria
- Track 7-1Modelling fungal growth
- Track 7-2Ecology of spoilage moulds and hurdle technology
- Track 7-3Analysis and rapid diagnostics – traditional vs modern approaches
- Track 7-4Beverage and yeast spoilage
- Track 7-5Heath resistant fungal spores and problems in beverages
- Track 7-6Mycotoxins: Their importance in different food chains
- Track 7-7Mycotoxins: Regulations and sampling issues
- Track 7-8Modified atmosphere packaging to control spoilage moulds
- Track 7-9Factory environment – Mould problems
- Track 7-10Spoilage and mycotoxins in cured meats
- Track 7-11Climate change impacts on moulds/mycotoxins
Predictive microbiology is the quantitative science that enables users to evaluate objectively the effect of processing, distribution and storage operation on the microbial safety and quality of foods. Food microbiology has adopted novel concepts and modern methods with some reluctance. Many food microbiologists follow the “old fashioned” approach of enumerating microorganisms at different stages of food storage, identifying the major fractions of the microflora by their phenotypic characters, and building up an understanding of the shelf-life and safety of foods. However fascinating this is to the food microbiologist, it is expensive and slow, and has not led to a cumulative, structured database of information that can be interrogated quickly. Study of the effects on microbial growth of single controlling factors such as pH, temperature or water activity, resulted in acceptance that particular microbes of concern would not grow below certain pH, or below a certain temperatures or water activity. All foods contain water; have a temperature of storage and a pH value. If the growth response determined by those controlling factors could be measured, then modelled, the result would indicate the growth rate attributed to those three factors. If the differences between the calculated and observed responses were significant, then other factors would have to be taken into account. Comparisons of growth rates published in the scientific literatures with predictions from such relatively simple models for the same conditions of temperature, pH and water activity were often very close and encouraged further efforts. Gradually, using models that had been validated by comparing outputs with independent data became recognized. Occasionally it is important to have an accurate estimate of the growth or survival, but more often it is sufficient to have a reasonable estimate, but quickly. It is necessary to obtain good and quick estimations of the shelflife of foods, in which pathogenic bacteria might grow, in new product development and in risk assessment.
- Track 8-1Predictive models: Foundation, types and development
- Track 8-2Microbial dynamics
- Track 8-3Growth matrix: Food versus artificial medium
- Track 8-4Gamma concept and the Cardinal Parameter Model (CPM)
- Track 8-5Predictive modelling at dynamic conditions
- Track 8-6Development and validation of predictive models
- Track 8-7Implications of the error term and variable transformations
- Track 8-8Model validation
- Track 8-9Microbiological modelling programs
- Track 8-10Application of predictive models in quantitative risk assessment and risk management
- Track 8-11Tools for improving food safety and quality
- Track 9-1Spoilage and HACCP
- Track 9-2Quantitative detection and indentification methods for microbial spoilage
- Track 9-3Detection, indentification and enumeration methods for spoilage yeasts
- Track 9-4Detection, indentification and enumeration methods for spoilage molds
- Track 9-5Modelling microbial food spoilage
- Track 9-6Determining the stability and self-life of foods
- Track 9-7Managing microbial food spoilage
- Track 9-8Conditions for microbial growth and enzyme action
- Track 9-9Food product integrity and spoilage testing
- Track 10-1Functional aspects of probiotics and the impact on human health
- Track 10-2Lactobacilli as probiotics: Discovering new functional aspects and target sites
- Track 10-3Bifidobacteria: Regulators of intestinal homeostasis
- Track 10-4Propionibacteria have probiotic potential
- Track 10-5Non-LAB probiotics: Spore formers
- Track 10-6Mechanisms of action of probiotic yeasts
- Track 10-7The indigenous microbiota and its potential to exhibit probiotic properties
- Track 10-8Metagenomics as a tool for discovery of new probiotics and prebiotics
- Track 10-9Emerging applications of established prebiotics
- Track 10-10Applications of probiotics and prebiotics in infant development