Catalina Stoica
National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology-ECOIND, Romania
Title: New cellulosic economical enzyme-substrate based diet of pullets
Biography: Catalina Stoica
The human population increase led to agricultural and farming development, which is limited by its land availability. Nowadays, a major direction is based on the production efficiency and on the economy of size. The economy of size aims to lower the average cost per unit of production as the production increased. In our study, we used a very abundant and economically efficient nutrient to reduce the feeding costs, but to keep at least the same level of eggs and meat poultry production. The new nutrient formula was based on cellulose fibres, combined to a cellulosic enzymatic food supplement. Our in vitro results showed that by adding a cellulase based compound to the new feeding nutrient the cellulose content decreased, so the poultry could digest the new and economically efficient diet without any duodenal negative impact. In vitro enzyme – substrate assays were performed on 14 celluloses based nutrients (substrates) and 2 cellulase food supplements (enzymes). The results showed a 50% efficiency of cellulose degradation rate during 1h for a 1:1 enzyme-substrate ratio, especially for the BioZyme M6000 food supplement. Moreover, the nutrients and the food supplements were microbiologically tested for the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. The results showed the absence of Salmonella spp., but the presence of Escherichia coli in a density ranged between 33 and 1609 CFU/ml. Overall, the results showed an economical viable solution for poultry farms based on a rich cellulose based nutrient supplemented with cellulase food supplement.