Call for Abstract

18th International Conference on Food Microbiology, will be organized around the theme “Exploring the Hidden World of Microbes in Food Systems”

FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

This assembly gives the participants an extraordinary chance to share their groundbreaking contemplations and impelling developments that can be utilized in the fields of nourishment microbiology and nourishment innovation. This is the most obvious opportunity to get hands-on

with people from the Nourishment Microbiology affiliations, Nourishment Biotechnology Organizations, Nourishment Microbiology Social Orders, and Nourishment Science Academicians.

New strategies in nourishment microbiology

  • Rapid strategies in nourishment diagnostics

  • Sensors in nourishment microbiology

  • Process-explanatory technologies

  • Artificial insights serving nourishment microbiology

Food Nanotechnology is the interaction or gathering of each and every molecule, particle, and nuclear bundles into designs to convey materials with different properties. Different nanomaterials are framed that make a variety in food taste, food handling, and clinical benefits. Nanotechnology in the development of food packaging has been discussed. Organic, inorganic, and combined nanoparticles are used to prepare improved active and intelligent food packaging.

Foodborne contaminations, regularly called food contamination/sustenance harming, are brought around by eating or drinking food or water corrupted by life forms or the harms made by the microorganisms. They by and huge reason gastrointestinal side impacts like regurgitating, detachment of the bowels, ailment, and stomach torment. Foodborne ailment (food harming) is caused by devouring sullied food, refreshments, or water and can be a assortment of microbes, parasites, infections and/or toxins.

Foodborne pathogens

  • Foodborne infections, microscopic organisms, protozoa

  • Microbial poisons in food

  • Biocontrol

Single-cell proteins (SCP) are the dried cells of microorganisms, which are utilized as protein supplements in human sustenance’s or animal takes care of  Microorganisms like life forms, green development, parasites, and yeast utilize confined feedstock and misuses as wellsprings of vitality for advancement to deliver biomass, amino acids, or protein concentrate. Since protein addresses the quantitatively significant.


Probiotics are live microbial social orders that assist create the important stomach microflora to construct up the generally quality of the have. It’s a creating field interior the dairy food industry with noteworthy advancement potential. Probiotic food supplements have revealed astonishing improvement in this field. Diverse microscopic life forms, yeast, and molds are habitually utilized as probiotics.



An ungainly reaction by the immune system to particular food or parts of food is known as food affectability. Ordinary side impacts join shivering, becoming flushed, rashes, hurling, or indeed the runs. Yet any food can set off an unfavourably vulnerable reaction, drain, eggs, and nuts are the most broadly recognized sources. People oversensitive to particular food ought to guarantee that they make up for misplaced time with the supplements by eating up choices in their eating regimen.

Food mycology

  • Production of food fixings by yeasts and molds

  • Mycotoxins and discovery


Food taking care of is the distinction in unpleasant fixings into food or different structures by physical or fabricated methodologies. Food taking care of solidifies unpleasant food fixings to outline appealing food things that the client can without much of a extend get prepared and serve. Food handling is the change of crude fixings into food or into other shapes by physical or chemical implies. Innovations which are as of now found in the food industry or related segment are Tall weight handling, beat electric areas, ultrasound, and cold plasma.

Food organisms in plastisphere: microbial biological system on smaller scale plastics

Food microbial environment of water


Nutritional neuroscience  is a field that examines how diet impacts brain work and mental health. It investigates the effect of supplements on cognitive capacities, disposition, and neurodegenerative infections. Investigate in this range looks at the pivotal connect between sustenance and the brain, pointing to advance mental well-being through dietary procedures and interventions.

Eating disorders are complex mental wellbeing conditions characterized by unfortunate and regularly life-threatening eating behaviours. Common sorts incorporate anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. These disorders are regularly established in body picture disappointment, social weights, and passionate trouble. Treatment regularly includes a combination of treatment, restorative back, and dietary guiding.


Food Science makes a difference in the course of action of food things from the unrefined components of rural locales that are satisfactory for human utilize. A Food Researcher can alter over these stomach materials into the secured, locks in food things and refreshments open on our general store racks. Current Investigate in Food Science is an universal peer looked into diary committed to distributing unique inquire about and brief communications coming about from investigate in food chemistry, material science, microbiology, sustenance and nutraceuticals, prepare and bundle building, materials science, food maintainability.


Maturation Innovation is decided as the metabolic prepare which includes the utilization of microorganisms and proteins for the generation of compounds that have application in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food businesses. Maturation happens in certain sorts of anaerobic microbes, organisms, and yeast and leads to defilement or decay of food. The prepare of maturation is vital to the food and refreshment businesses since overabundance warm and inappropriate cooking can lead to the era of destructive poisons.


  • Mild preservation Styles

  • Optimal process design

  • donation of packaging to food preservation

  • Revalorization of food sub-products contributing to food preservation

  • Prophetic microbiology

  • Quantitative microbial  threat assessment

  • Product of fermented foods

  • Turmoil to get useful  composites for the food assiduity

  • Starter  societies

  • Fermented foods in cooking

The systematic study of the essence of food products and the scientific concepts underpinning their alteration, preservation and spoilage is Food Science.

  • Robotics in Food Science

  • Food Supply Chain Management

  • Food Science: Microbial Biodiversity and Sustainable Development

  • Design Thinking and Food Innovation

  • Bioinformatics in Food Industry

It is the study of the characteristics of foods, including their chemical, biochemical, physical, physiochemical and biological properties, and their effects on product quality. It also includes the use of this information in new product development and in effective processing techniques.

Food science is a discipline that discusses all technological aspects of food, from harvesting or slaughter to cooking and consumption. It is considered to be one of the agricultural sciences, and is generally regarded as distinct from the nutrition area. The foundation of the discipline lies in the understanding of the chemistry of food ingredients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water, and the reactions they undergo during processing and storage.

Food technology is a branch of food science which deals with the actual production processes to make foods. Food technology is a science that discusses the processing and preservation of food substances with the techniques and concepts involved. In the development of safe, balanced and nutritious food items, the application of food science helps. Food technology research seeks to develop new methods and processes to keep food products healthy and resistant to natural harms, such as bacteria and other micro-organisms.


Food Chemistry and Biochemistry

Food chemistry is a study of chemical processes and relations between the natural and non-biological factors of food. It overlaps with biochemistry in that it deals with food factors similar as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and salutary minerals. In addition, it includes the study and product of food complements that can be used to retain the thickness of the food or to ameliorate its colour, taste.

  • Chemistry of Food and Bio-processed Accoutrements

  • Food and Flavour Chemistry

  • Recent Trends and inventions in Food Chemistry

  • Advancement in Chemistry and Biochemistry of Food

  • Food Physical Chemistry

  • Food Chemistry in Agriculture

 Food Chemistry covers the introductory composition, structure, and parcels of foods and the chemistry of changes being during processing and application. 

 Food Biochemistry plans to enhance understanding of the precise structure of food, in particular food factors that have salutary goods on mortal health. Food Biochemistry involves the use of current chemical and biochemical logical styles for food factors and their responses, modelling systems for the study of their responses, and effective statistical ways for the analysis of data for the analysis of food factors.


 Food is defined as anything solid or fluid that nourishes the body when ingested digested and         assimilated.   

 Food Resource Economics is a study of deals, finance, marketing, operation, environmental policy, law, foreign trade, statistics and economics. The economics of coffers focuses on the product, demand, and distribution of natural coffers from the Earth. To a degree, every man- made product in a frugality is composed of natural coffers. Grounded on their stage of growth, coffers may be distributed as future, current, reserve, or stock coffers.

  • Food and Agribusiness Marketing and operation

  • Conservation and  enhancement

  Beverage Technology

  The operation of food wisdom to the selection, preservation, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, and use of healthy food and potables is known as food and libation technology. Starting with food wisdom, product quality assurance and quality control, and food regulation, food and libation technology is a series of processes. Food and beverage technology is the exploration, examination, and collection of data regarding foods and their factors.

  • Non-Alcoholic potables

  • Alcoholic potables

  • Grape and Wine Research

  • Wine Chemistry

 The potables that don't contain any alcohol or we can say the potables in which there's no alcohol or the alcoholic chance is zero is called as Non-Alcoholic potables. A liquor or pop containing alcohol as the active agent is called as Alcoholic potables.


Consumer wisdom is a social discipline concentrated on commerce between people and the  terrain. Some of the issues bandied by the Food consumer lores specialist are diet, aging, casing, food protection, terrain and parenthood.

  Consumer Food Science is the study of what influences our food choices and the adequacy of new food products grounded on biotechnological exploration and trial. And perfecting advanced consumer’s geste    in relation to an increase of solidarity among food  wisdom consumer’s societal models and food agro-industry competition. These include Nutrition Science, Food Marketing and Management, Food Production and Processing.

  • Nutrition Science

  • Food Service Management

  • Food Marketing and Management

  • Food Production and Processing.


Agronomy is the wisdom of crop product that considers how to grow crops efficiently and profitably while conserving natural coffers and guarding the terrain. Agronomy necessitates the integration of numerous lores, as well as collaborations among numerous different fields, similar as soil, factory, and weed lores, as well as ecology, entomology, climatology, and economics. Agronomy Research is a branch of husbandry concerned with optimizing food product through proper field operation.

  Agrarian  exploration is a technical type of  exploration  system that can be carried out using laboratory and field  installations as well as engaging with  growers as  crucial  snitchers for their development and  perfecting their  diurnal living  norms. Agrarian exploration is concentrated on crops, creatures, fisheries, timbers and the terrain. 

 Agronomy is a main branch of Agriculture. It’s conflation of several disciplines like soil wisdom, Agricultural chemistry, crop physiology, factory ecology, biochemistry and economics.

  • Global Trends in Agribusiness

  • Agricultural Biotechnology

  • Agri Food Technology

  • Sustainable Food Production Postharvest

  • Processing and Energy in Agriculture

  • Food and Agriculture


Meat is meat taken from a dead beast that people cook and eat. Meat is known to be a whole protein food containing all the mortal body's amino acids. The fat of the meat, which varies extensively with the species, quality and cut, is a  precious source of energy and also affects the taste, the  pulpiness and the  tender-heartedness of the spare. 

 Flesh is a term used for any kind of tamed raspberry that’s interned- raised to serve its purposes. The word' flesh' may be described as  ménage  catcalls, like  funk,  clunkers, ghosts and ducks that are raised for meat or egg  product and the word' flesh' is historically used for the purpose of references to gallstones, and water catcalls. 

 Any fish or shellfish used for food from the ocean is known as Seafood. Seafood plays an important part in the world's food safety and offers both challenges and openings to produce sustainable food. Seafood is one of the most largely traded foods and is an important source of protein, essential adipose acids and micronutrients. The seafood sector has been evolving in recent times, with a rapid-fire increase in monoculture, geographical shifts in trade and adding commoditization and perpendicular integration. This session offers detailed information on the seafood processing assiduity that needs to address new obstacles in order to absorb all the new developments in food wisdom and invention.


Food is defined as a material,  generally of factory or beast origin, which contains or consists of essential nutrients for the body,  similar as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins or minerals, and which is ingested and assimilated by the body in order to produce energy, stimulate growth and  save life.

  The process by which food is taken in and employed by the body is called as Nutrition. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is about nutrition. The energy and nutrients you need to be healthy are delivered by food and drink. Understanding these terms of nutrition can make making better food choices easier for you. Food and nutrition are the way that we get energy, furnishing energy for our bodies. We need to replace nutrients in our bodies with a new force every day.

 Health is a state of complete physical,  internal and social well- being, not the  simply the absence of illness or  complaint. The effective  operation of food input and nutrition are both  crucial to good health. Smart nutrition and food choices can help  help  complaint. Eating the right foods can help your body  manage  further successfully with an ongoing illness.

  • New approaches in primary  product and impact on food safety

  • Influence of globalization on food safety

  • Threat  operation by Food Safety Authorities

  • Evolution on foodborne outbreak  disquisition


The study of the microorganisms that inhabit, induce, or pollute food is known as food microbiology. This includes the study of food corruption-causing microorganisms. "Good" bacteria in food wisdom, still similar to probiotics, are getting less applicable. Likewise, for the development of foods similar to rubbish, yogurt, other fermented foods, chuck, beer, and wine, microorganisms are important.

Food enzymology covers introductory and applied aspects of the enzymology important to food systems. The introductory aspects of the course include styles of measuring enzymatic conditioning; birth of enzymes from microbial, factory, and beast systems; and styles of enzyme sanctification and characterization.

  • Enzymes in Food

  • Microbial Aspects of Food Quality and Spoilage

  • Microbial Ecosystems and Food Chain

  • Ecology and Food Relations

  • Microbial relations of foodborne microbes

  • Food and Agricultural Immunology

  • Operations of Enzymes in the Food Industry


Food Security means that all citizens have physical, social and  profitable access at all times to acceptable, secure and  nutritional food that meets their food preferences and salutary  requirements in order to live an active and healthy life.

  The COVID- 19 outbreak poses huge challenges for the global community. While at the beginning the focus has  substantially been on health issues, it has come clear that this  extremity will have big impacts on all areas of society. the resiliency and inefficiencies of global, indigenous and original food systems have the  eventuality to come another major consequence of the epidemic. 

 Food security exists when all people have access to sufficient, safe,  nutritional food at all times, physically and economically, to meet their salutary  requirements and food preferences for an active life. Several factors make it particularly complex climate change, which exacerbates food instability; food price volatility; land grabbing; biofuel' competition'; lack of investment in subsistence  husbandry; and, eventually, social factors  similar as conflict, poverty, education and women's status.

  Exemplifications include  haze kitchens, food banks,  academy lunch programs, and other programs that give food to people in need without  taking any type of commitment in return. 

 Covid- 19 Food Security Challenge :

   1. Keep your hands, kitchen and  implements clean

  2. Separate raw and cooked food, especially raw meat and fresh  yield 

  3. Cook your food completely

  4. Keep your food at safe temperatures, either below 5 °C or above 60 °C; and

  5. Use safe water and raw material.


Food engineering is the operation of engineering generalities for the  storehouse, processing and distribution of food accoutrements  and theirbio-products. It needs sound engineering education as well as  introductory training in chemistry and food  wisdom. The purpose of this evolving field is to advance the  perpetration of effective artificial processing in the  metamorphosis of raw accoutrements  of  natural origin into comestible forms, which includes packaging,  storehouse, and distribution. 

 The study of the parcels of solid accoutrements and how those parcels are determined by a material’s composition and structure is called as Accoutrements Science

  • Chemical and Physical Aspects of Food

  • Food Texture and Properties

  • Biotechnology in Food Processing

  Food Accoutrements Science and Engineering represents a wide variety of  motifs related to food accoutrements , their  parcels and characterization  styles,  furnishing a new approach to understanding food processing and quality control. 

 Food Engineering involves study of engineering generalities and unit operations used in food processing. Engineering principles should include mechanics, fluid mechanics, transfer and rate processes, and process control instrumentation. Prerequisites should be one course in drugs and faculty in algebra, trigonometry, and  math.

   Accoutrements wisdom is an area of rapid-fire growth in the larger field of food wisdom. It's an  usable  area lapping food  wisdom and food engineering that's concerned with structure,  parcels and processing of the accoutrements  used in food as well as their  product and breakdown. Quality, convenience and safety are the major motorists of the ultramodern food assiduity. 

 Accoutrements scientists do everything from abecedarian exploration on the chemical parcels of accoutrements to developing new accoutrements  and modifying  phrasings of being accoutrements  to suit new  operations. They work with masterminds and processing specialists, in airman shops, and in manufacturing installations.


  • Extreme climate conditions  impacting food microbiology

  • Climate change impact on  mortal microbiome

  • Arising  pitfalls

  • Antibiotic resistance

  • Factors  converting resistance/  acridity

  • Mechanisms of stress  adaption in the food processing  terrain(e.g.,  continuity, biofilms, biofouling)

Food colloids give  numerous different food products structure, texture, and mouth-  sense; for  illustration, jam, ice cream, mayonnaise, etc. Food colloid contains hydrocolloid that provides food products with thickening,  gelatinizing, emulsification, and stabilizing  parcels. Food polymers are comestible factory, beast andmicro-organism polymers that can be used in food systems, including proteins, polysaccharides, etc. Canvases and/ or lipids from  shops and  creatures, although their molecular weights are  fairly small, could also be considered as food polymers. The stabilization of food colloids represents an important functional property of food polymers. Proteins and polysaccharides are the two main types of food polymers  set up in  oil painting- in- water  mixes, and some food  conflation products contain both types of macromolecules. 

 Exemplifications   1) Food colloids are sols, gels,  conflation, and froth. For  illustration, egg white froth is a simple colloid system. Air bubbles (disperse phase) are trapped in the egg white(  nonstop phase) performing in a froth.

 2) Food polymers can be classified into three groups grounded on their sources( 1) factory- grounded food polymers,  similar as  bounce, salutary fibre, and cereal protein;( 2) beast- grounded food polymers,  similar as  mess protein;( 3) microorganism- grounded food polymers,  similar as fungus polysaccharides. 

  • Advances in Food Colloids

  • Microstructure and Processing of Food Colloids

  • Macromolecules

  • Behaviour of Food Structures


Protein engineering is the process by which an experimenter alters a protein sequence by replacing, replacing, or removing nucleotides from inheritable law, with the end of chancing a modified protein that’s further suitable for a specific operation or purpose than an unmodified protein.  

  • Rational design

  • Multiple sequence alignment

  • Coevolutionary analysis

  • Structural  vaticination

  • Multivalent list

  • Directed  elaboration

  • Exon shuffling

  • Semi-rational design 

Enzyme engineering is a process of enhancing the function of a being enzyme or erecting an enzyme- enhanced function by altering its amino acid sequence. This technology has been developed as an important tool for prostrating the immoralities of native enzymes similar as biocatalysts.

  • Active point

  • Anabolism

  • Nested Gene

  • Mutagenesis

  • Protein Engineering 

  • Metabolic Engineering

  • Mutation

  • Enzyme exertion

  • Biocatalyst

  • Enzyme particularity


Microbial Ecology: Studies how microorganisms interact with each other, plants, animals, and their environment. Includes symbiosis (mutualism, commensalism, amensalism), biogeochemical cycles, and impacts on pollution and climate change.

Agricultural Microbiology: Focuses on microorganisms affecting agriculture, including plant and animal diseases, soil fertility, and nutrient cycles. Important microbes include Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Clostridium, Micrococcus, Actinomycetes, fungi, and protozoa.

Environmental Microbiology: Examines microbial interactions with the environment, including their role in ecosystems, pollutant degradation, and applications in biotechnology (e.g., bioremediation, sunscreen production).