Graham Bonwick
Professor & Conference Co-Chair
Newcastle University
Graham Bonwick qualified with a BSc in Applied Biology and a PhD in Ecotoxicology (University of Salford). He is an applied scientist with expertise in the areas of environmental quality and food safety. His aim is to contribute to sustainability, food safety, quality and security and he has over 25 years research and teaching experience. In 2000 he was appointed Senior Lecturer in Biological and Biomedical Sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Chester and Professor in 2006. He established the Centre for Science Communication (2003), the Environmental Quality & Food Safety Research Group (2006) and the Food Nanotechnology Research Group (2010). In 2012 he became the Innovation Development Director of the ERDF funded NowFOOD project and Director of the Institute of Food Science and Innovation at the University of Chester in 2014. In 2017 he joined Fera Science Ltd as Lead Scientist and Newcastle University as part of the Institute for Agri-Food Research & Innovation joint venture.
Research Interest
His focus is food innovation and packaging technology and is developing training for industry. Within the University he has worked to create a multi-disciplinary packaging research group and helped establish the FuturePack meeting series. Graham holds Fellowships with the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of the Arts and is also a member of the Institute of Food Science & Technology and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences.