Javeria Samad
Habib University, Pakistan
Javeria Samad is a Biotechnologist by degree and has been working in Infectious Disease Research Laboratory (Molecular Biology Section) at The Aga Khan University, for the last seven years, mainly on Molecular Epidemiology of Enteric Diseases and Public Health aspects in pediatric population. She has a vast experience of Molecular Biology and Microbiology techniques and has been involved in multiple international research projects in collaboration with WHO, CDC, NIH, Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, University of Virginia (USA), University of Maryland (USA), University of Emory (USA). She was also part of biosafety activities and QC related activities in the research lab. Her work has been presented in some of the national & international conferences including IMED 2016, ASM Microbe 2016, 63rd ASTMH, Keynote symposia conference and IICE in April 2017. Currently she is enrolled in M.Phil./Ph.D. program as well as serving in an academic institute, Habib University (Karachi, Pakistan) as a Microbiology Researcher and Lab Instructor too.