Natalija Sverchkova
Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Belarus
Title: Contribution of applied microbiology into national economy of Belarus Republic
Biography: Natalija Sverchkova
Significance of applied microbiology is determined by the vital role of microorganisms in global natural cycles, technologies, medicine, and ecology. Insitute of Microbiology, Belarus National Academy of Sciences, is the leading research institution of Belarus in the area of applied microbiology, specializing in the evaluation of microbial biodiversity, physiology, and biochemistry; genetic engineering of microorganisms producing bioactive substances; development of biotechnologies for an industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental protection. A crucial aspect of microbiological processes is the provision of superactive strains synthesizing bioactive substances. Both conventional selection methods and genetic engineering are used to attain this goal. The Center for Analytical and Genetic-Engineering Studies set up at the Institute is equipped with up-to-date instrumentation allowing to derive strains with defined properties engaged in an elaboration of biotechnologies lying within the mainstream of global high-tech trends. Molecular-genetic identification of microbial strains is carried out at Belarussian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms integrated into Institute structure and registered as a member of World Federation of Culture Collections. Apart from main collection stock, special DNA banks were founded for industrial strains, plant pathogens, xenobiotics destructors and bioterioration agents, to ensure the preservation of genomes of promising biotechnological objects; early diagnostics of pathologies affecting forest and agricultural cultures; bioremediation of natural and technogenic environments; evaluation of diverse materials bioresistance. Technologies and production generated at the Institute find the outlet in numeric branches of national economy, including agriculture – biopesticides, microbial fertilizers, probiotics, biodisinfectants, biopreservatives, enzyme preparations; medicine – pharmaceutical technologies, diagnostic kits; industry – food additives, organic acids, alcohols, and makes a solid contribution to its progress.