David RodrÃguez-Lázaro
Professor and HOD
University of Burgos
David RodrÃguez-Lázaro is a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM), specialised in Food Science (BSc and MSc) and Molecular Microbiology (PhD). He is an Associate Professor of Microbiology and the Head of the Microbiology Division at the University of Burgos. He has performed research stays in the Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary Research (Denmark), University of Prague (Czech Republic), the Food and Environmental Research Agency (UK), and the University of Bristol (UK). He was a Leverhulme visiting Professor in the Institute of Advanced Sciences in the University of Bristol during the years 2004 and 2005 and Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences in the University of Bristol (UK) until 2.007. He has published more than 100 international scientific papers (H-index 25) and book or book chapters regarding to Food Safety. He is currently member of the editorial board of “Applied and Environmental Microbiologyâ€, “International Journal of Food Microbiologyâ€, “Food and Environmental Virology†and “International Journal of Food Contaminationâ€, associated editor of “Frontiers in Nutrition and Food Science Technology†and the editor-in-chief of the Journal “Food Analytical Methodsâ€. He was awarded with the “XV Jaime Ferrán Award†in 2013 by the Spanish Society for Microbiology for his understanding promising scientific career in Microbiology. He is a fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Science of Castilla y León (Spain) since May 2016.
Research Interest
His research interest is focused on the characterisation of the prevalence of the main foodborne pathogens and the ecology of antibiotic resistance in food and food related environments, and the establishment of reliable, quantitative molecular strategies for detection of important food-borne pathogens from environmental sources and various types of foodstuffs. He has participated in a number of coordinated EU-funded projects such as PROMISE, BASELINE, VITAL, FOOD-PCR, SACROHN, and MONI-QA, having established active links with the leading European research groups working in Food Safety.