Tinatin Elbakidze
Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Georgia
Tinatin Elbakidze has her expertise in Microbiology and Molecular Biology. She has PhD in Immunology and Applied Microbiology. She has been working in a field of bacteriophages studying application of bacterial viruses against the highly pathogenic bacteria. Nowadays as a member of Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia where the wine industry is of high importance, she is focused on agriculture and evaluates best diagnostic approaches to apply for a better diagnostic tool for screening a large-scale number of samples to manage the strategy to eliminate the spread of GLD viruses in future perspectives. Her study is under development in the frames of her project: “Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Viruses: GLRaV-1 and - GLRaV-3 in Grapevine Cultivars Distributed in the East Part of Georgia”.
Abstract : A survey for grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 and -3 in Georgian vineyards